Sep 8 – 9, 2023
IIT Mandi
Asia/Kolkata timezone

A sneak peek into the realm of immutable Linux distributions

Sep 9, 2023, 7:00 PM
Room 1

Room 1

Talk (40 min) OS Distributions and Packaging


Rudra Saraswat
Ubuntu Member and Project Lead of Ubuntu Unity


Traditionally, you would use your system package manager to install all kinds of software ranging from compilers to IDEs and games, but this has changed lately thanks to the advent of new packaging formats such as Snap and Flatpak, which has encouraged new as well as some existing Linux distributions to adopt read-only root filesystems and atomic system updates. If you want to get familiar with them, this talk is for you. I'll be using blendOS as an example.

Session author's bio

I'm the release manager/developer of Ubuntu Unity and the project lead & dev of blendOS, the latter of which is an immutable and atomic Linux distribution with support for 9 Linux distributions and Android apps and also allows you to switch between 7 desktop environments while retaining the immutable nature of the base OS.

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In Person Attendance In-person
Level of Difficulty Intermediate

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