8–9 Sept 2023
IIT Mandi
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Introduction to the OpenPrinting Track

8 Sept 2023, 18:00
Room 1

Room 1

Organizer notes OpenPrinting


Till Kamppeter


Short overview what we will talk about this year.

Session author's bio

Till is leader of OpenPrinting since it was founded in 2001, introduced the CUPS printing system in Mandrake Linux in 2000 working at MandrakeSoft and with this and a lot of evangelism (booths, talks, workshops) made the other distros also switch to CUPS, since 2006 printing maintainer at Canonical, co-organizing annual meetings with the Printer Working Group (PWG), since 2008 every year mentoring in Google Summer of Code, doing everything to make printing on Linux and alike operating systems "just work". With his OpenPrinting work Till has many years of experience with presenting on conferences and participating in their organization. Till is also fellow of the Linux Foundation.

Please confirm that there are included headshots of all speakers in their profiles Yes
In Person Attendance In-person
Level of Difficulty Beginner
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Social Media Mastodon: @till@ubuntu.social

Presentation materials

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