8–9 Sept 2023
IIT Mandi
Asia/Kolkata timezone

CUPS 2.5 and 3.0 Development

8 Sept 2023, 18:10
Room 1

Room 1

Discussion OpenPrinting


Michael Sweet
Lakeside Robotics Corporation


In this session we will first finalize the features and roadmap for CUPS 2.5 (due end-2023) which has a focus on OAuth and new container/sandbox/distribution-independent-packaging support. Then we will discuss the features and roadmap for CUPS 3.0 (planned end-2024) which implements the all-IPP New Architecture of printing, a well simplified architecture making use of the modern driverless printers.

CUPS project page on OpenPrinting

Session author's bio

Michael Sweet is best known for being the author of CUPS, the standard printing system for Linux, MacOS, and Unix, he is also one of the creators of the underlying Internet Printing Protocol (IPP), the creator of the Printer APPlication Library (PAPPL), worked at Apple for 13 years, and currently he is running Lakeside Robotics, developing software for printing and educational robotics products, and is consulting in the printing area. He is also the secretary of the PWG IPP workgroup and one of two IETF designated experts in the world for printing.

Level of Difficulty Intermediate
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