8–9 Sept 2023
IIT Mandi
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Getting a Start in Open Source

8 Sept 2023, 19:00
Room 2

Room 2

Talk (40 min) Community


Shuah Khan
The Linux Foundation


It is hard to get started in a new technology or a field. It is that first step that stumps us all. In this talk Shuah will talk about overcoming the beginner’s problem and marching towards becoming an open source contributor.

Session author's bio

Shuah Khan is a Kernel Maintainer & Linux Fellow at The Linux Foundation. She is an experienced Linux Kernel developer, maintainer, and contributor. She authored A Beginner’s Guide to Linux Kernel Development (LFD103). She leads the Mentorship program aimed at increasing diversity in open source and providing equitable access to learning resources. She serves on the Linux kernel Code of Conduct committee. In addition, she served as the ELISA TSC Chair and continues her contributions acting as a bridge between ELISA Safety and Linux kernel communities.

In Person Attendance Remote
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Level of Difficulty Beginner

Presentation materials