31 August 2024 to 2 September 2024
JECRC Foundation
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

We're excited to invite you to UbuCon Asia this year in Jaipur, India!
If you need any help with preparing your proposal, or unsure about the topic, please feel free to contact us or ask questions on chat!

Telegram: https://t.me/UbuConAsia
Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#ubucon-asia-general:matrix.org
Email: Content team - content@ubucon.asia

Copyrights of your session recording and materials

Each session will be recorded into videos, edited and published with CC BY 4.0 online. Your session materials such as slides will be also published on our websit under same license. Make sure to not include any copyrighted content that conflicts with CC BY 4.0 or paid contents.
If you want other license or can’t record your session or share your materials, Please let ue know when submitting your proposal.

In most cases, Your session should be done on-site

As we would like to gather and connect people in-person, Unless there are some rare and special reasons that committee can understand, We require you to join us and speak on-site. In case after your abstract got selected but you found you can't join us on-site on that moment, we will prefer choosing alternative speakers over inviting you remotely.

Session types

Choose the best one that works for your proposal

  • Keynote(invited) - 50 minutes
  • Talk - 30 minutes, Academic style presentation with Q&A
  • Workshop - 90 minutes, also known as Hands on Lab. Usually Tutorial style session for trying out technologies in action on-site
  • BoF - Birds of a Feathers - 90 minutes, Informal discussion within participants with a topic without fixed and detailed agendas.
  • Lightning talks - Quick presentation pitch in 5 minutes!

Choosing topics

  • Please note that this is an Ubuntu event. Ubuntu related topics will
    get much higher priority. Please suggest a topic that is at least
    slightly related to Ubuntu and the technologies related with Ubuntu
    ecosystem or Ubuntu community.
  • Please be specific! Topics such as “What is Ubuntu?”, “What is Security”, “What is Social Engineering” is too much broad! In most cases, these kinds of topics can be rejected.
  • Generic topics such as “Incident Management”, “Managing your stress”, “Create your personal strategic plan”, “Team Dynamics & Communication Skills” might be suitable for public lectures, But usually not suitable for our event. If you relate generic topics with Ubuntu projects or community, that might be suitable for our event.
    • For example, just talking about Tax and Tax accounting is not
      suitable for our event, But what about talking your experience on
      managing accounting and tax for UbuCon or other Ubuntu community
      activities? That would be interesting topic for other Ubuntu folks!
  • Please refrain suggesting proposal for just simply delivering
    information, especially proposals that reveal the intent of the
    • Many audiences attend for the presenter’s own
      experience or hard-to-find information, rather than information that
      can be easily found by searching online.
    • Your unique experiences and
      cases, case studies of using Ubuntu or related open sources in your
      company, and contents related to Ubuntu or related open sources
      helpful for audiences are welcomed.
  • If you want to find references or need some inspirations,
    You may have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubucon for sessions at
    previous UbuCons.

Travel grant

Please note that submitting a proposal doesn't give you travel grant already applied automatically. If you have difficulties raising travel fund for attending in-person, therefor need travel grant from us, You're required to submit travel grant application separately right after submitting your proposal.

Please click here for details and to submit your travel grant application.

The call for abstracts is closed.