31 August 2024 to 2 September 2024
JECRC Foundation
Asia/Kolkata timezone

PaaS App Charmer: Your gateway into the Juju Community!

31 Aug 2024, 09:30
Main hall (JECRC Foundation)

Main hall

JECRC Foundation

Shri Ram ki Nangal, via Sitapura RIICO Tonk Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302 022 India
Talk Cloud and Infrastructure


Varshi Gupta


Are you tired of being restricted to proprietary cloud platforms or the daunting task of managing deployment and operations yourself when launching your applications? Look no further! Join us at our upcoming conference session to discover how PAAS App Charmer revolutionizes application deployment using Juju, charms, and craft tools.

PAAS App Charmer empowers you to effortlessly create OCI images using rockcraft and streamline operations code with charmcraft. But that's not all—need a database integration? With Juju, you can deploy popular open-source databases like PostgreSQL or MySQL with just a few simple commands, seamlessly integrating them with your application.

And what about serving traffic? We've got you covered. Utilize Juju to deploy and integrate a variety of ingress solutions, such as Traefik, and expose your application to external traffic in mere seconds.

Currently, the tool is available for Flask framework applications with a path for contributing other frameworks as needed by users.

During our session, you'll learn how to harness the power of PAAS App Charmer to deploy your applications seamlessly into any Kubernetes cluster using Juju. Say goodbye to tedious deployment processes and hello to efficiency!

Join us to discover how PAAS App Charmer offers a straightforward entry point into Canonical's operational tools, minimizing the learning curve and maximizing your deployment potential.

What audience can learn

Audience members can learn how the paas-app-charmer makes it easier for newcomers to use Canonical tools like Juju, charms, and *craft, without needing to tackle steep learning curves.


This talk is about a new tooling suite "paas-app-charmer" that allows users to focus on creating applications while taking care of deployment and operations struggles by integrating automatically with solutions like Juju, Charmcraft, and Rockcraft.


Varshi leads the IS DevOps teams as the Engineering Director at Canonical. Her primary goal is to enhance the operational efficiency of complex business processes for ITOps and support teams. Her teams focus on upgrading and developing operators to simplify installation, security updates, and day-to-day maintenance of applications managed by IT operations teams.

Varshi holds a degree in Computer Science and has a background in developing enterprise software for multi-channel financial firms. She furthered her education with a Master's in Management and Information Systems in the United States. Throughout her career, Varshi has worked across various industries including healthcare, IT, and retail, holding diverse roles in software development, architecture, and product management.

Things to know or prepare for this session

A basic understanding of Flask, Python, and K8s. Any experience with Juju and craft tools is a plus!

Difficulty level Begineer

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.