August 31, 2024 to September 2, 2024
JECRC Foundation
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Ubuntu LoCo Council & LoCo Leaders BoF

Aug 31, 2024, 12:30 PM
Room 1 (JECRC Foundation)

Room 1

JECRC Foundation

Shri Ram ki Nangal, via Sitapura RIICO Tonk Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302 022 India
BoF Community


Bhavanishankar Ravindra
Private Entrepreneur/Ubuntu developer
Mr Khairul Aizat Kamarudzzaman
Ubuntu Membership Board
Mr RJ Hsiao
Ubuntu Taiwan LoCo Team
Youngbin Han
Ubuntu Korea Community


This BoF session aims to introduce the new Ubuntu LoCo Council which was rebooted early this year. And also gather and connect people who leads Ubuntu Local community in their region across the world. It will be basically 2 part: One with some intro to LoCo Council and Q&A, The other part will be some open discussion between LoCo leaders and other folks who would be interested to join LoCo.


Youngbin is a member of Ubuntu LoCo Council, UbuCon Asia Committee and Ubuntu Korean LoCo. He's been organizing many small and large Ubuntu in-person events in Korea and across Asia to gather and connect folks interested in Ubuntu and FOSS. As a member of LoCo Council and UbuCon Asia Committee, He also aims to outreach and connect LoCos across Asia.

What audience can learn

They will be able to learn some organization structure around LoCo. What are LoCo Council and LoCos in Ubuntu Community. and also get to know LoCo folks.


If you would like to connect with the LoCo Council and LoCo leaders. Feel free to join this BoF and discuss!

Difficulty level Begineer

Presentation materials