31 August 2024 to 2 September 2024
JECRC Foundation
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Ranching a Kubernetes Cluster with Ubuntu base image was never easy. For real?

31 Aug 2024, 16:20
1h 30m
Main Hall (JECRC Foundation)

Main Hall

JECRC Foundation

Shri Ram ki Nangal, via Sitapura RIICO Tonk Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302 022 India
Workshop Cloud and Infrastructure


Mr Ronit Banerjee
GSoC'24 Mentor & GSoC'23 Mentee @ DBpedia | CNCF Ambassador | Cloud Native Hooghly Chapter Lead | Kubernetes Sig ContribEx's Shadow @ KCS EU'24


Spinning a Kubernetes cluster from scratch – the task often perceived as daunting, intricate, and fraught with operational challenges. But is it really as complex as it's made out to be? In this talk, we'll delve deep into the world of Kubernetes cluster management, unraveling the myths and realities of 'ranching' a cluster.

We begin by exploring the common challenges faced in Kubernetes cluster management, from initial setup to scaling and maintenance. This includes addressing concerns around deployment, networking, security, and resource optimisation. By examining real-world case studies, we'll demonstrate how these challenges manifest in different environments and under varying workloads.

Furthermore, we'll also look at the evolution of Kubernetes and how its growing ecosystem is shaping the future of cluster management. Are there emerging trends or tools that could make 'ranching' a cluster easier than ever before?

The key benefit to the Kubernetes ecosystem lies in its comprehensive approach to demystifying Kubernetes cluster management. It serves to clarify common misconceptions regarding "Kubernetes the hard way", thereby becoming an invaluable resource for newcomers and experienced practitioners alike. By sharing practical solutions and best practices, the talk aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of cluster management across various environments. This session will not only encourage more informed decision-making among Kubernetes administrators and developers but also stimulate community engagement and collaboration. Covering a range of Rancher open source tools, the talk ensures relevance to diverse workloads and operational scales, contributing to the development of more secure and high-performing Kubernetes environments.


I am Ronit Banerjee, CNCF Ambassador from Kolkata, India. I have maintained a strong portfolio being an Open Source Developer at the projects incubated and graduated from The Linux Foundation and Cloud Native Computing Foundation. My enthusiasm with DevOps and Cloud Native helped me to secure scholarships like Travel Funding Scholarship and Dan Kohn Scholarship by The Linux Foundation and Cloud Native Computing Foundation to attend flagship conferences such as KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit China 2023 at Shanghai and Open Source Summit Europe 2022 at Dublin. I also worked as an Open Source Developer in Google Summer of Code (GSoC) at DBpedia Association and I am mentoring in GSoC this year for the same organisation. Apart from my technical experience, I got my hands dirty in fostering the Cloud Native Ecosystem. I am also the Chapter Lead at Cloud Native Hooghly which is an official CNCF Chapter listed amongst 40 such clubs in the Asia Pacific Region. Right now, with the proliferation of the Cloud Native Tools, I successfully turned the chapter to be the fastest growing in the entire Eastern India, catering 250+ Active members. I am also a Sig Contribex’s Comms Volunteer for Kubernetes Contributors Summit North America 2023 at Chicago, United States of America primarily looking into the “Call for Proposal” emails and notifying about the updates to the KubeCon co-located event attendees. I have significant experience in pitching tech products to Venture Capitalists and have successfully secured grants from Government of India twice for my deep-tech startup.

Things to know or prepare for this session

There will be little-to-no prerequisite.
If anyone is following along, they need to install kubernetes and rancher on their laptop devices.

What audience can learn

The key benefit to the Kubernetes ecosystem lies in its comprehensive approach to demystifying Kubernetes cluster management. It serves to clarify common misconceptions regarding "Kubernetes the hard way", thereby becoming an invaluable resource for newcomers and experienced practitioners alike. By sharing practical solutions and best practices, the talk aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of cluster management across various environments. This session will not only encourage more informed decision-making among Kubernetes administrators and developers but also stimulate community engagement and collaboration. Covering a range of Rancher open source tools, the talk ensures relevance to diverse workloads and operational scales, contributing to the development of more secure and high-performing Kubernetes environments.


Spinning a Kubernetes cluster from scratch – the task often perceived as daunting, intricate, and fraught with operational challenges. But is it really as complex as it's made out to be? In this talk, we'll delve deep into the world of Kubernetes cluster management, unraveling the myths and realitie

Difficulty level Begineer

Presentation materials

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