August 31, 2024 to September 2, 2024
JECRC Foundation
Asia/Kolkata timezone

What is happening in phosh

Aug 31, 2024, 5:55 PM
Main hall (JECRC Foundation)

Main hall

JECRC Foundation

Shri Ram ki Nangal, via Sitapura RIICO Tonk Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302 022 India
Lightning talk Other Lightning Talks


Arun Mani J
Gotam Gorabh
Mr Rudra Singh
Suraj Mahto


Briefly introduce Phosh as a GNOME-based mobile platform. Highlight its unique features and advantages and its current development status.
Will also include

  1. Recent Progress
  2. Community Highlight
  3. Looking ahead
  4. Call to action
  5. Also will Encourage developers to try Phosh and contribute to its development.
  6. Invite users to test Phosh on their devices and provide feedback.
  7. Highlight community channels and resources for getting involved.
  8. Best practices?
  9. How to get started with Phosh development
  10. How to find bugs and contribute fixes and contribute new features
  11. How to work with the Phosh community


Exploration of the mobile Linux ecosystem with a focus on Phosh, a modern GNOME-based graphical shell redefining user experiences on mobile and smartphones.

What audience can learn

Audience will come to know that there also exist mobile linux and Phosh ecosystem. How to start contribution in phosh.


Rudra Pratap Singh is a software developer at PearTree and a phosh developer.

Gotam Gorabh s a software developer at PearTree and a GNOME contributor and member.

Suraj kumar mahto is software developer at peartree and a open source contributor. Involved in technologies related to Linux, FOSS, and Desktop Apps. He was a part of open source programs like Google Summer of Code (GSoC) and Season of KDE (SoK).

Arun J Mani is a software developer at peartree.

Difficulty level Begineer

Presentation materials

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