cloud-init summit 2023

TBD (Microsoft Redmond Campus Bldg 40)


Microsoft Redmond Campus Bldg 40

15563 NE 31st St, Redmond, WA 98052
Chad Smith (Canonical)

Developers' summit geared towards bringing a number of influential cloud-init partners and community members together for presentations about cloud-init futures, retrospectives, policy discussions and working meetings.


Come help us improve the cloud-init ecosystem and community.

Make your mark. Looking for in-person or virtual attendance and presenters.

cloud-init summit 2023: Registration
  • Wednesday, 9 August
    • discussion: Physical attendees only: meet at MSFT Bldg 40 entrance and on-site setup of Microsoft Teams Training-

      A topic for broad discussion that should be covered at the cloud-init summit

    • discussion: Remote attendee orientation, setup welcome, schedule overview and introductions

      A topic for broad discussion that should be covered at the cloud-init summit

    • 1
      presentation: cloud-init summit welcome / intro

      Welcome all participants to the venue, thanks for hosts and sponsors, schedule overview.

      Speaker: Chad Smith (Canonical)
    • 2
      Recent Features/Roadmap / Q&A (Brett Holman)
    • presentation: Docs person intro

      slide-driven or shared notes doc driven presentation 5-20 minutes per topic

    • 3
      presentation: FreeBSD developer/maintainer overview (Mina Galić)
    • 4
      group discussion: Specific cloud or distro state of the union related to cloud-init in images

      Things worthy of sharing broadly to establish good process of pain avoidance.

    • 5
      group discussion: Operating system downsteam patch review

      Looking to review downstream patch pain across various distributions to ensure cloud-init upstream behavior isn't introducing high patch maintenance cost for distribution downstreams.

    • 10:55
      Day1: am break
    • 6
      group discussion: Python3 release support matrix

      Would like to reflect with partners and distributions what scope of python versions they actively maintain for new cloud-init releases.

    • 7
      presentation: Integration testing updates with pycloudlib
    • 8
      presentation/discussion: Security disclosure policy review
    • 12:15
      Day1: lunch
    • 9
      presentation: LXD: config hotplug behavior
      Speaker: Brett Holman (Canonical)
    • 10
      schema validation: user-data, vendor-data and network-config
      Speaker: Chad Smith (Canonical)
    • 11
      presentations: subiquity: the machine behind Ubuntu's Live Server/Desktop installer offerings
    • 14:20
      Day1: pm break
    • 12
      rotten tomatoes: how can cloud-init upstream improve

      Group discussion session to determine what behaviors andor processes from upstream need review and improvement to better support downstreams.

  • Thursday, 10 August
    • 13
      AlpineLinux developer chat (Dermot Bradley)
    • 14
      Doc overhaul and policy changes (Sally Makin)
    • 15
      presentation/discussion: boot speed and image size

      Walk through current state of boot speed measurements and analysis from daily test runners.
      * Define various metrics consumed, and what we look at to ensure no boot speed regressions.
      * Query what data-points clouds, partners and community care about when looking at their own speed
      * Determine collectively what are priority metrics/attributes of images that cloud platforms rely on when hosting images.

    • 10:30
      Day2: am break
    • 16
      Breakout developer discussion session: 1A TBD

      Placeholder for separate deeper focused discussion or development topic based on earlier conversations. This slot will be used for one of the following topic themes:
      - birds of a feather working group discussion
      - coding development breakout: specific feature work
      - specific bug/issue work: bring your favorite bug
      - policy discussions

    • 17
      Breakout developer discussion session: 1B cloud/partner sync

      Placeholder for separate deeper focused discussion or development topic based on earlier conversations. This slot will be used for one of the following topic themes:
      - cloud/partner sync point for features/ongoing development with Canonical support
      - ongoing feature work, Q&A

    • 11:45
      Day2: Lunch
    • 14:15
      Day2: PM break