May 11 – 12, 2023
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Europe/Zagreb timezone

DORS/CLUC – Dani otvorenih računarskih sustava / Croatian Linux Users’ Conference – is the oldest and biggest regional conference that covers free and open source software, open standards, and the Linux operating system. For the last 27 years, DORS/CLUC has brought together many prominent individuals and companies from the free and open source software community

Folks from Canonical and the Ubuntu community will be there presenting a host of exciting talks, workshops and competitions, including:

  • Learn how to create Snaps with Snapcrafter Lucy Llewellyn
  • Discover the joys of the Rust programming Language with Canonical's Ed Jones.
  • Explore Canonical Careers with Canonical's Igor Ljubuncic and Alastair Flynn
  • Expand your cloud-native skills with Canonical's Alastair Flynn
  • Showcase your open source skills by joining in the Open Community Competition 

Check out the full Talk and Workshop Schedule.

Community Building

We are looking to build and empower the Croatian Ubuntu Community. Are you interested in getting more involved and meeting other like-minded individuals? We invite you to get involved!

We're looking forward to seeing you there!

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
10000, Zagreb, Croatia
Go to map

If you have questions, please reach out to #ubuntu-community-team on or #ubuntu-community-team:libera,chat on Matrix. You can also make a post on our discourse!

Registration for this event is currently open.