Aug 24 – 26, 2024
Asia/Kolkata timezone

blendOS: An atomic, immutable Arch Linux-based distribution

Aug 24, 2024, 12:55 PM
Room 1: Plenary

Room 1: Plenary

Talk (20 min) OS Distributions and Packaging


Rudra Saraswat
Ubuntu Member and Project Lead of Ubuntu Unity


Traditionally, you would use your system package manager to install all kinds of software ranging from compilers to IDEs and games, but this has changed lately thanks to the advent of new packaging formats such as Snap and Flatpak, which has encouraged new as well as some existing Linux distributions to adopt read-only root filesystems and atomic system updates.

One of those distributions is blendOS, an Arch Linux-based distribution that is fully immutable and atomic. In this session, I plan to demonstrate how the atomic update system works, and how you can build your own "tracks" (similar to flavors of Ubuntu) for blendOS.

Session author's bio

I'm the developer of Ubuntu Unity, a flavor of Ubuntu, and blendOS, a declarative and immutable Arch Linux derivative.

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Level of Difficulty Intermediate
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