Aug 24 – 26, 2024
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Conference web site


Be a part of it!

Are you astonished by what one can accomplish with free and open-source software? Are you amazed by what open-source communities put together with great enthusiasm? Would you like to know how this all relates to our daily life?

Would you also like to become one of these individuals? Are you interested in coding for one of the many great free software projects? Applications? Desktop environments? System components? Cloud? IoT? OS Distribution integration? Immutable OS distribution?

But also as non-programmer you are highly welcome for documentation, design, web, community, ...

And all this does not only give you the good feeling of helping in the community and making free software better, it also raises you chances on the job market, mentioning your contributions and accomplishments in your resume, especially for the numerous positions in the area of open source ...

So come and join us! In this conference you will learn a lot, about projects, coding, documentation, ... On Saturday and Sunday there will be talks, panels, Q&A, interactive workshops, demos, ... and lots of great hallway sessions .. And on Monday (class-free in IIT Kanpur) there will be hackatons ...

We will cover many great topics (more to come):

  • OpenPrinting: Responsible for printing in Linux, Unix and similar (POSIX-style) operating systems.
  • Zephyr: Lightweight Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) for IoT, For low-resource hardware (like micro controllers) for which Linux is to large
  • Immutable distributions and sandboxed packaging: Snap, Ubuntu Core Desktop, blendOS, ...
  • Google Summer of Code: Work up to 3 months full-time on a free software project with a stipend from Google and mentored by the project's developers
  • Open Documentation Academy: Not a coder? Like to write? Canonical's documentation team and several free software organizations will mentor you on a wide range of documentation tasks.
  • Working at Canonical: Having completed you course you want to have a great open-source-related job at a leading employer?


The actual subject matters also depend on the submissions we get on our Call for Proposals. We are eager to see your amazing ideas! Note that you cannot only submit talks and workshops here, but also ideas for demos, hackathons, and evening events. Your submissions will make up the conference.

This is our second Opportunity Open Source. The first one was last year in the IIT Mandi. See how it was.

We are on Mastodon: #OpportunityOpenSource  Follow this hashtag to stay imformed!

IIT Kanpur, India
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Contact us in our Telegram group!

Organizers on-location at IIT Kanpur: