Aug 24โ€‰โ€“โ€‰26, 2024
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Strengthening India's FOSS Community

Not scheduled
Room 1: Plenary

Room 1: Plenary

Talk (20 min) Community


Ansh Arora
FOSS United


This talk presents an in-depth exploration of FOSS United's (see mission to galvanize the Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) movement across India. The talk aims to share insights into the initiatives and programs developed to foster collaboration, innovation, and community engagement within the Indian tech ecosystem. Attendees will learn about the challenges and successes of building a vibrant FOSS community, including strategies for enhancing skill development, increasing accessibility to open-source tools, and strengthening industry-academia-government partnerships. The session will also highlight the broader implications of these efforts on promoting digital inclusivity and shaping India's position in the global free & open-source landscape.

Session author's bio

Ansh works as a Program and Partnerships manager at FOSS United, a non profit organisation aimed at promoting the creation and usage of Free and Open Source Software in India.

In Person Attendance In-person
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Level of Difficulty Beginner
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