Aug 24 – 26, 2024
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Building Printer Applications with PAPPL

Aug 24, 2024, 4:50 PM
Room 1: Plenary

Room 1: Plenary

Talk (20 min) OpenPrinting


Michael Sweet
Lakeside Robotics Corporation


In this talk I will provide an overview of PAPPL 2.0 and the various Printer Applications that have been created using it. I will also highlight new features in 2.0 including OAuth/OpenID support, cloud/managed printing support, and the new accounting APIs.

Special accommodations

Would prefer an early morning or late evening time slot since I will be presenting from North America (East Coast time zone).

Session author's bio

CTO of Lakeside Robotics, I am the creator of CUPS, HTMLDOC, PAPPL, and many other open source projects, author of many standards, and helped create AirPrint.

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In Person Attendance Remote
Level of Difficulty Intermediate

Presentation materials