Aug 24 – 26, 2024
Asia/Kolkata timezone

MicroBlocks on Zephyr

Aug 24, 2024, 3:20 PM
Room 1: Plenary

Room 1: Plenary

Talk (20 min) Zephyr


Mr Ayush Singh


I will be presenting my work porting MicroBlocks to Zephyr. MicroBlocks is a blocks programming language for physical computing inspired by Scratch. It uses Arduino APIs and thus was limited to a selection of boards that support Arduino APIs.

Using Arduino Core API module for Zephyr and adding the missing stuff, I was able to get MicroBlocs working on BeagleConnect Freedom board running Zephyr under the hood.

I will also go over the steps required to port MicroBlocks to other Zephyr supported boards.

Some links for my work:

  1. Blog Post
  2. MicroBlocks Freestanding Application

Session author's bio

I am a 5th year student from Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad pursuing Integrated Matematics and Computing. I have successfully completed Google Summer of Code 2022 and 2023 under Tianocore and, respectively. I am currently working as an Embedded Developer for

Special accommodations

I would like my talk to follow Dhruva Gole's talk regarding the Arduino Core Module for Zephyr since my work is based on this module. My work also serves as a great real-world use case for this module and thus our talk's should complement each other.

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