Aug 24 – 26, 2024
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Zephyr in Action: Real-World Product Development - Interactive workshop

Aug 24, 2024, 5:45 PM
Room 3: Workshops

Room 3: Workshops

Workshop Zephyr


Jonas Remmert


After providing foundational knowledge of Zephyr, this workshop will show interactively how to set up a development environment and configure an out-of-tree example with Zephyr. In addition, it will cover topics like board abstractions, RTOS features and higher layer software
subsystems such as the Sensor API, BLE stack and the networking stack.

With hands-on practices along with simulations in a GitHub Codespaces Environment, participants can get their hands on Zephyr without actual hardware.

A simple modular application will presented in the Workshop. Different modules communicate with each other via Zephyr's Zbus. The example application can run in simulation as well as on an actual board with a button and an LED.

Session author's bio

Jonas Remmert is an embedded developer with a background in Electrical Engineering and Embedded Systems. He has worked as a hardware and software developer at Phytec, where he played a key role in developing battery-powered products for customer applications. In his current role, Jonas is focused on innovating in areas where electronics and software have not yet been utilized and where new technologies like LPWAN can simplify existing designs.

Special accommodations

If boards are available, they can be included in the workshop. This is optional. In that case of the availability of boards, it would be good if a few students can setup a Zephyr environment before so that they will be able to flash the boards and assist other students in flashing their boards.

Any other info we should know?

The audience will get their hands on Zephyr development in a very easy way. This allows everyone to experiment in simulation and lay the foundation of working with actual hardware as a second step.

The workshop is interactive. The attendees will reproduce the Zephyr samples in a GitHub Codespaces environment during and at the end of the workshop.

Voluneers can have a look at the accomodating GitHub repository and test the setup so that they will be able to assist other students during the session.

GitHub repository:

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Level of Difficulty Beginner
In Person Attendance Remote

Presentation materials

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