Aug 24 – 26, 2024
Asia/Kolkata timezone

From First Commit to Mentor: Climbing the Open Source Ladder

Aug 25, 2024, 1:15 PM
Room 1: Plenary

Room 1: Plenary

Talk (20 min) Community


Avinal Kumar
FOSSology, Red Hat


Open source involvement is at an all-time high, with many college students eager to enhance their skills through these opportunities. Programs like Google Summer of Code, Google Season of Docs, Linux Foundation Mentorship, Outreachy and may more offer excellent exposure to industry-level projects and skills. These programs help students develop technical expertise and enable them to build lasting connections with communities and talented mentors.

However, the journey from first contributor to becoming a mentor or maintainer is not well-documented. This talk aims to draw parallels between the perspectives of contributors and mentors, illustrating how one can climb the ladder within the open-source community. By exploring the differences between these roles, we will discuss how contributors can transition to mentorship and how mentors can support contributors, ultimately fostering a stronger community.

A portion of the talk will focus on my personal experience with Google Summer of Code at FOSSology. I will share the challenges faced and lessons learned during one of the organization’s most ambitious and difficult projects.

Additionally, the talk will include practical advice on the dos and don'ts for new contributors, existing contributors, and mentors. Attendees will gain valuable tips on how to start their open-source journey, maintain their momentum, and eventually transition to leadership roles within the community.

Any other info we should know?

What do you think the audience will get out of your presentation?

The audience will gain insights into the open-source journey from both contributor and mentor perspectives. Beginners will learn how to start contributing, while current contributors will discover ways to stay motivated and overcome challenges. Experienced contributors will see how to transition into mentorship roles, helping to grow the community.

Is the topic technical in nature?

The topic is partly technical, focusing on the skills needed for open-source contributions, but also emphasizes personal and professional growth through community involvement.

Is your presentation audience interactive?

Yes, it will be interactive, with Q&A sessions and discussions to engage the audience and share experiences.

Session author's bio

Avinal is a Software Engineer at Red Hat, specializing in Go, Elm, Kubernetes, Tekton CD, and Podman. He is a dedicated Tekton Results Maintainer and mentors for Google Summer of Code at FOSSology. Avinal has also contributed to Google Season of Docs with VideoLAN. A regular open-source contributor, he enjoys side projects, blogging, watching anime, and tinkering with single-board computers and microcontrollers.

In Person Attendance In-person
Level of Difficulty Beginner
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