Aug 24 – 26, 2024
Asia/Kolkata timezone

5 Years of Open Source: Contributing, Mentoring, and attending Conferences

Aug 25, 2024, 12:55 PM
Room 2: Breakout

Room 2: Breakout

Talk (20 min) Community


Mr Deepak Patankar


In this talk, I will take you through my five-year journey in the open source community, from a contributor during my college years to a mentor. My contributions to the open source project helped me gain practical skills in my initial days of the career. Also, as a mentor, I got the opportunity to mentor new folks and help them solve complex open source problems.

I will also highlight the exciting perks of being an active open source contributor, such as attending prestigious conferences. These events provided me with a platform to network with open source contributors, exchange ideas, and stay updated on the latest trends.

Join me as I share insights from my open source journey, filled with learning, mentorship, and incredible opportunities, and inspire you to join the open source world.

Session author's bio

I am a OpenPrinting contributor form 2018 and I have been mentoring GSoC students from 2019. My contributions to the printing ecosystem includes allowing support for auto clustering arbritrary printers.

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