Aug 24 – 26, 2024
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Building a wireless wastewater monitoring system using Zephyr RTOS nodes

Aug 24, 2024, 5:10 PM
Room 2: Breakout

Room 2: Breakout

Talk (20 min) Zephyr


Oliver Völckers
BeST Berliner Sensortechnik GmbH


BeST Berliner Sensortechnik GmbH of Berlin, Germany, used Zephyr RTOS to develop and deploy pump monitors for Deutsche Bahn to monitor waste water tanks on high-speed trains. Measurement data from sensors is processed locally in IoT devices running Zephyr RTOS. The results are then wirelessly transmitted for further processing using MQTT or LwM2M protocols. The talk will describe the evolution from individual IoT nodes to an automated networked system that provides a real-time overview of operations.

Any other info we should know?

I work with Jonas Remmert and Akarshan Kapoor, who have also submitted talks. While our submissions are independent from each other, it would be convenient to schedule this talk after Jonas Remmert's talk and before Akarshan Kapoor's talk.

Session author's bio

Founder, BeST Berliner Sensortechnik GmbH, Computer Scientist, Inventor of new force sensors, Developer of signal processing software for micro controllers

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Level of Difficulty Beginner

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