Aug 24 – 26, 2024
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Containerization Tools for Web Development

Aug 25, 2024, 5:45 PM
1h 25m
Room 3: Workshops

Room 3: Workshops

Workshop OS Distributions and Packaging


Rudra Pratap Singh
Shivam Jaiswal


This workshop will provide an basic understanding of modern containerization tools such as Docker and Rockcraft. These tools represent the latest methods for deploying applications in a consistent and efficient manner. Participants will learn the fundamentals of containerization, explore the features and benefits of using Docker and Rockcraft, and gain hands-on experience in deploying applications using these tools.

To be able to do the exercises and examples during the workshop on your laptop, please make sure to have:

  • Operating System: Ubuntu
  • Docker Installed
  • Rockcraft Installed

Session author's bio

I am Rudra Pratap Singh, a third-year Computer Science Engineering student at IIT Mandi. I am currently exploring full-stack development and actively contributing to open-source projects. I am also a GSoC contributor for The Linux Foundation 2024. My co-speaker, Shivam Jaiswal, is also a GSoC contributor for The Linux Foundation 2024.

In Person Attendance In-person
Level of Difficulty Beginner
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Presentation materials