7–9 Nov 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Prague timezone

An empowering and awesome Journey with disability in the Ubuntu community

9 Nov 2022, 09:30
Ballroom (Hilton Prague)


Hilton Prague

25 Minute Talk Community


Bhavanishankar Ravindra (Mr)
Private Entrepreneur


As the world is more into diversity and inclusion in the present day world with special emphasis on gender diversity and other forms of diversity such as disability inclusiveness is almost forgot (or more often used like a fad most times than not), as a born disabled person with cerebral palsy to the extent of 75 percent, I would like to present my wonderful journey in the Ubuntu community from the past 15 years.

From an Ubuntu member to an Ubuntu developer to being on the loco council and app review board to being in the outreach (now emeritus). I want to talk about how the Ubuntu community has influenced my daily life which has enabled me to get 4 civilian awards in India to being a private entrepreneur now in Budapest and a book author.

So would love to give an introduction to beginners in the world of open source from a diversity point of view to the Ubuntu community.

Session author bios

Former Ubuntu developer, Ubuntu member, open source enthusiast from 15 years, private entrepreneur and a disability advocate with a president medal from honourable president of India as a role model amongst differently abled.

Social Media @r_b_shankar on twitter
Level of Difficulty Beginner

Presentation materials