Ubuntu Summit 2022

Prague, Czech Republic
November 7th-9th, 2022

7–9 Nov 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Prague timezone

Ubuntu on RISC-V - state of things

9 Nov 2022, 14:00
Ballroom (Hilton Prague)


Hilton Prague

25 Minute Talk Devices


Matthieu Clemenceau
Łukasz Zemczak (he/him)
Canonical Ltd


A short presentation outlining the state of things of Ubuntu on RISC-V. What is the state of RISC-V? What devices are actually available and which we currently support? What's the maturity of the ecosystem? What are our plans? Some of these questions will be answered in this Ubuntu status update.

Session author bios

Lukasz Zemczak is a long time Canonical employee and a member of the Ubuntu community. He is an interim engineering manager on the Foundations team and member of multiple Ubuntu teams, such as Ubuntu Release, Archive Administration and the Technical Board.

Matthieu Clemenceau is the engineering director of Foundations in Canonical. He works with multiple teams and coordinates the RISC-V adoption with members of the Architectures squad in his team.

Level of Difficulty Beginner

Presentation materials