Nov 7 – 9, 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Prague timezone

Have your own (slice of) cake and eat it too

Nov 7, 2022, 5:55 PM
Ballroom (Hilton Prague)


Hilton Prague

Lightning Talk (10 min) Application Ecosystem Lightning Talks


Valentin Viennot (he/him)
Product manager at Canonical


Until today, for building your (OCI/Docker) container images, you had to choose between two options:

  • Easy to use and stable, but is a full linux distro -> bad
  • Minimal attack surface, but hard to use -> bad

Couldn't we have easy-to-use, stable, and minimal attack surface?

Let's meet, chiselled Ubuntu containers! or, how to get all of the advantages of the Ubuntu distribution on Docker images, without the size overhead.

Session author bios

Valentin Viennot works as a Product Manager for Canonical. He's a daydreamer with a passion for developer experience. After working a few years as a Software Engineer for IBM, Valentin joined Canonical to take over the Ubuntu container images and make them lead the pack!

Social Media ValentinViennot
Level of Difficulty Intermediate

Presentation materials

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