Ubuntu Summit 2022

Prague, Czech Republic
November 7th-9th, 2022

7–9 Nov 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Prague timezone

A charmer's toolbox - development and debugging tools

9 Nov 2022, 16:30
Karlin 2 (Hilton Prague)

Karlin 2

Hilton Prague

25 Minute Talk Application Ecosystem


Pietro Pasotti (he/him)


In this session we present the latest and greatest in terms of development and debugging tools available to the fledgling and pro charmers.
Juju is complicated, and these tools aim to making developing charms easier, but not more obscure.
Therefore we will present the tools, but also explain why they work — and their limitations.

The presentation is structured as a tour of jhack, a devtools suite containing a growing number of CLI tools that offer new ways to visualize internal, low-level juju data streams (what events are firing on which units, what is contained in the relation databags, etc...) but also new ways to do charm development and debugging.

The audience will get out of here with a good feeling of how they can use these tools to become more productive when writing or debugging charmed operators with Juju.
The topic is technical and we will assume an intermediate understanding of Juju, charms and the operator framework.

Session author bios

Pietro is a Software Engineer with the CharmTech team at Canonical. As part of the team, he shares the broad objective of developing and maintaining the Operator Framework, a python library to write charm code. However, he also considers himself to be the exploratory kind of code monkey, so he enjoys spending his free time developing tools for developers (the most grateful kind of customer).

Level of Difficulty Advanced

Presentation materials

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