Ubuntu Summit 2022

Prague, Czech Republic
November 7th-9th, 2022

7–9 Nov 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Prague timezone

Your app everywhere, just in a Snap!

7 Nov 2022, 14:30
Karlin 3 (Hilton Prague)

Karlin 3

Hilton Prague

50 Minute Talk Application Ecosystem


Ms Dani Llewellyn (she/her)
Snapcrafters / Ubuntu Membership Board
Graham Morrison
Gustavo Niemeyer
Ken VanDine (he/him)
Sergio Schvezov
Till Kamppeter
Zygmunt Krynicki (he/him)


Recording on YouTube

Seating: Till Kamppeter (host, at the desk), Heather Ellsworth, Dani Llewellyn, Gustavo Niemeyer, Zygmunt Krynicki, Graham Morrison, Sergio Schvezov, Ken VanDine

Gustavo Niemeyer and Zygmunt Krynicki were not originally lined up for this panel, but when entering the room before the beginning of the session, they simply entered the panel (I added them to the speaker list after the fact). And this was great, as they come really from the beginning when Snap got started to get designed and contributed very well to the panel (see also the recording). Thanks a lot to them!

Most of you are developing applications in some free software project. Not only GUI/Desktop applications, any applications, even system and server software.

Have you already thought about the way how it gets distributed to end users and that this way can easily turn the users away from Linux?

You are often only providing the source code. So for not so tech-savvy users it is needed that the major distributions pick up your project and package it, and keep packaging it, whenever you have a new release. And they do not package new versions of your software for already released versions of their distro ... Or you package, but then you had to package and test on many, 10, or even more distributions ...

So you need distribution-independent, secure, and easy-to-use packaging, like the application stores on smartphones. This we have also for Linux, Desktop, Server, IoT, ... This is Snap! Applications easy to find in the Snap Store and installable on many common Linux distributions. You snap your app once and everyone can use it.

And to make it as easy as possible for you, we teach you how to snap! On this first Ubuntu Summit we have a Snap Tutorial Track consisting of several workshops throughout the conference where you create your first Snap and afterwards you get into the advanced topics of your needs: GTK/GNOME, Qt/KDE, Flutter, system daemons and utilities, and even robotics/IoT!

In this session we will introduce you into the wonderful world of Snap and motivate you for the workshops. People involved with Snap, creators of the concepts, developers of the tools, desktop app and daemon snappers, Snap enthusiasts, ... are on our panel to tell you about the ins and outs of Snap!

Session author bios

Leader of the OpenPrinting project since it was founded in 2001, introduced the CUPS printing system in Mandrake Linux in 2000 working at MandrakeSoft and with this and a lot of evangelism (booths, talks, tutorials) made the other distros also switch to CUPS, since 2006 printing maintainer at Canonical, co-organizing annual meetings with the Printer Working Group (PWG), since 2008 every year mentoring in Google Summer of Code, doing everything to make printing on Linux and alike operating systems "just work".

Level of Difficulty Beginner

Presentation materials

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