Nov 7 – 9, 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Prague timezone

Non-code contributions welcome! How non-coders can contribute to open source projects

Nov 7, 2022, 2:30 PM
Ballroom (Hilton Prague)


Hilton Prague

50 Minute Talk Community


Michelangelo Guarise


Usually we think to open source projects as efforts done by developers for developers. But that should, and not always is , the case.

If we want to expand the potential outreach of Open Source projects it's vital to onboard a diverse and multidisciplinary team of contributors.

This is the effort we have been doing in the past years and we will share some insights and suggestions, aimed at mantainers or wannabe contributors, to foster diversity and multidisciplinarity in the open source world.

Brief abstract:
- The importance of diversity and multidisciplinarity in open source projects
- What kind of non-technical contribution you did not know you needed (no, not only documentation)
- How non-coders can contribute to open source projects and how they can impact
- What can maintainers do to encourage non-coders to contribute

Session author bios

Michelangelo Guarise is an entrepeneur, FOSS enthusiast, maker, professor and avid technologist. He founded Volumio, one of the most popular Open Source based Music Players, to improve the way people listen to Music, thanks to its vibrant community.

Social Media @volumio
Level of Difficulty Beginner

Presentation materials

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