Nov 7 – 9, 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Prague timezone

How to convince a core Android user to move to a Ubuntu-powered phone.

Not scheduled
Karlin 1 (Hilton Prague)

Karlin 1

Hilton Prague

25 Minute Talk Devices


Bogomil Shopov


I recently bought a phone with Ubuntu and would like to share a few things:

  • What was my experience with this phone compared to the recently used Firefox and Android phone;
  • What it takes for a core Android user to decide to move to an Ubuntu-powered phone;
  • How this phone helps you protect your freedom? Why move to a device that respects your privacy, and how to convince others to think about that;

The topic is practical, fun, and can give you a lot to think about!

Session author bios

I care about privacy, ethical design, and freedom in many aspects.

I have spent 20+ years working as a web developer, architect, analyst, manager, and product owner/manager in different environments, several countries, and multiple software industries like Healthcare and Hospitality.

I wore many hats, using the knowledge gathered to optimize the flow of value across complex systems.

I contribute to Free software and Open-source projects and initiatives.
I am a member of EFF and The Planetary Society.
I am a Lean/Agile person!


Level of Difficulty Beginner
Social Media bo_go

Presentation materials

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