Nov 7 – 9, 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Prague timezone

How we're making the new Ubuntu Software app and what's next

Nov 8, 2022, 5:00 PM
Ballroom (Hilton Prague)


Hilton Prague

25 Minute Talk Ubuntu Desktop


Frederik Feichtmeier
Yaru Ubuntu Community


In the past months we've been designing and developing an Ubuntu Software Store app with the Flutter UI toolkit.

We needed a couple of things to do this in a way that users can be happy with the performance, visuals and usability, resulting in a great use experience:

  • foundation libraries to connect to the Ubuntu desktops APIs written in pure dart, the language that Flutter uses
  • a way to easily and quickly build up a UI that looks and feels Ubuntu, which resulted in three more dart packages

With those two goals reached we were able to not only create a big part of the software app but also a settings app and are now able to compose and compile new Ubuntu desktop apps like building LEGO: no headaches - brick per brick and all apps will look, feel and perform equally good.

Session author bios

Ubuntu Community Designer and developer mainly involved in the Yaru Projects and Flutter development

Level of Difficulty Intermediate
Social Media

Presentation materials

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