Nov 7 – 9, 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Prague timezone

How GNOME Boxes can help distro developers

Nov 7, 2022, 2:00 PM
Karlin 1 (Hilton Prague)

Karlin 1

Hilton Prague

25 Minute Talk Application Ecosystem


Felipe Borges (he/him)
Red Hat and GNOME Foundation


Learn how you can use virtual machines in GNOME Boxes to contribute to the development of Linux distributions. We will cover how to test distro upgrades and unstable changes, as well as how virtual machines can be useful for contributors of marketing and design material.

Session author bios

he/him. Felipe Borges is a GNOME developer maintaining GNOME Boxes and contributing to GNOME Settings. He is a former GNOME Foundation Board director and is passionate about onboarding newcomers to the GNOME project.

Social Media
Level of Difficulty Intermediate

Presentation materials