Ubuntu Summit 2022

Prague, Czech Republic
November 7th-9th, 2022

7–9 Nov 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Prague timezone

Journey with the vineyard - learn from an IoT beginner use case

7 Nov 2022, 17:00
Karlin 1 (Hilton Prague)

Karlin 1

Hilton Prague

25 Minute Talk Devices


Masafumi Ohta (He/him/his)
Japanese Raspberry Pi Users Group


Masafumi has been helping many Raspberry Pi projects in the Asian area. He would love to introduce the use case at the Vineyard Kikushima in Yamanashi. Kikushima-san, the Vineyard owner, is 'NOT' familiar with IoT, so he has built his 'Hinno IoT system,' gathering the knowledge from search listings like google. He is now using Raspberry Pi OS on his system, though it is easy to apply this IoT case with 'Ubuntu.'
In this talk, Masafumi will talk about the digest of the vineyard Kikushima use case:
- The opportunities why he develops the system
- 'Hinno IoT system' project requirements
- 'Hinno IoT system' overview
- Project status (now running 2 'Hinno' systems)
- Next step of the 'Hinno IoT system'
- Why Raspberry Pi?

Session author bios

Masafumi is now leading the Raspberry Pi community in Japan and has been volunteering Raspberry Pi Foundation since 2012 to help their business in the Asian area.

Level of Difficulty Beginner
Social Media https://twitter.com/masafumiohta

Presentation materials