Nov 7 – 9, 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Prague timezone

What makes a good CLI

Nov 9, 2022, 3:00 PM
Ballroom (Hilton Prague)


Hilton Prague

25 Minute Talk Infrastructure


Amy Pattanasethanon


Many products at Canonical offers both UI and CLI experiences. However, having a congruent User Experience for both aspects in a platform can often be challenging. In this talk, we want to walk through some thought process behind the making of MAAS UI, redesigning the CLI, and how the Design Thinking process turned these problems into a CLI guideline at Canonical.

Session author bios

Amy Pattanasethanon is a UX Manager at Canonical. She started out as a Senior UX Designer for MAAS ( a Data Center provisioning tool that allows you to automatically discover your inventory), where she leads UX design and created UX frameworks for the team to collect feedback, conduct UX research, and measure UX heuristics. Before discovering her true passion in Human Computer Interaction, she was a Software Engineer for 3 years. Her interest evolves around the concept of Cloud Security where she also occasionally contributes to Python patches on other OpenSource projects like Keylime.

Level of Difficulty Beginner

Presentation materials

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