7–9 Nov 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Prague timezone

Every programmer needs a donkey cart

7 Nov 2022, 11:30
Ballroom (Hilton Prague)


Hilton Prague

25 Minute Talk Community


Ngazetungue Muheue
PyNAM Association


Many of us had to overcome obstacles in order to enter the tech industry.
Consider someone who was raised in a mountainous remote area of Namibia and has no idea what technology is; our parents never had access to technology, never used tech gadgets, and had never heard of anything called an open source project. As an African child, I emerged from my rural world, rode my beloved donkey cart, and entered the tech world with the intention of changing my life and bridging the tech gap in my community to allow them to participate in the global tech community.

As a developing country, Namibia relies on open and user-friendly technology. Increasing community engagement, teaching Python, and contributing to open source projects have the potential to transform the country and its citizens. All those potential programmers will need donkey carts to take them on that journey too.

And all around the world, there are people who could become programmers and contributors - who also need a donkey cart to help them on that journey.

Open-source software means providing donkey cart rides to each other; let’s find ways to do more of it.

Session author bios

I am the co-founder of the Python and Django communities in Namibia. I have been an organiser of PyCon Namibia since 2016 till today.

I like to volunteer, and this helps me to learn new skills and also share what I have with others. Currently, I am one of the Namibian international tech enthusiasts, having spoken at some international events. I enjoy speaking at Software Development Conferences. I have been recognized by the Python Software Foundation as a Fellow for my contribution to the Python ecosystem around the world.

Level of Difficulty Intermediate
Social Media @muheuenga

Presentation materials