Ubuntu Summit 2022

Prague, Czech Republic
November 7th-9th, 2022

7–9 Nov 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Prague timezone

Evaluating two years in production with Juju and Charmed OpenStack

8 Nov 2022, 17:00
Karlin 4 (Hilton Prague)

Karlin 4

Hilton Prague

25 Minute Talk Infrastructure


Johan Hallbäck
Ibeo Automotive Systems GmbH


Deploying and configuring OpenStack and Ceph using Juju is a proven technology known for its simplicity to get started. Thanks to the lifecycle approach of Juju, Charmed OpenStack also has a lot to offer when it comes to day 2 operations and onwards.

In this talk, I would like to present our gathered experience over the past two years running OpenStack & Juju in production.

  • Good practices and things we should have considered before deploying Charmed OpenStack
  • Juju specific topics: Understanding charms and handling the Juju controller as a system critical component
  • Experiences from using Juju for upgrading (OpenStack/Ceph and series upgrades)
  • Benefits from writing our own machine charms and bringing network switches into the Juju model

Session author bios

A Senior Cloud Architect at Ibeo Automotive Systems, Johan Hallbäck is a Juju advocate occupied with all aspects of running OpenStack and Ceph.

Level of Difficulty Advanced

Presentation materials