7–9 Nov 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Prague timezone

How to build an Ubuntu Flutter Desktop App like LEGO

8 Nov 2022, 11:30
1h 30m
Palmovka 1 (Hilton Prague)

Palmovka 1

Hilton Prague

Workshop Ubuntu Desktop


Frederik Feichtmeier
Yaru Ubuntu Community


Designing an app is hard and takes time and skill.

We made sure it is less hard, by creating the needed bricks you need to get a working Ubuntu Desktop Flutter App skeleton that looks good and consistent with the rest of the Desktop and performs well - in minutes.

Join us for a hands-on workshop. We help you get started!

Session author bios

Ubuntu Yaru Community contributor that likes to code and design

Level of Difficulty Beginner
Social Media https://mobile.twitter.com/fluttermeier

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.