7–9 Nov 2022
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Prague timezone

Measuring Data with OpenSearch to Better Serve the Community

9 Nov 2022, 15:00
Karlin 2 (Hilton Prague)

Karlin 2

Hilton Prague

50 Minute Talk Data Science & Data Platforms


David Tippett (he/him)
AWS - OpenSearch
Kris Freedain (he/him)
Nathan Boot (they/them)
OpenSearch Project


It has been a little over a year since the fully open source Apache 2.0 licensed OpenSearch has been released. It is becoming much easier to deploy, much more feature diverse, and even the most basic of setups can be created with one or two commands on your favorite shell.

Open source projects often come with very active communities; OpenSearch has had over 1.4 million downloads, thousands of stars across the 70+ GitHub repositories under the project organization, 3300+ registered users on the forum, and growing attention on social media. Tons of interest in the project that is growing day-to-day; a good problem to have, but how do we make some sense of all of it?

In this success story, we “eat our own dog food” and show how we use OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards to develop useful statistics about important topics across the community. By taking in small, arbitrary datasets we are able to make data backed decisions, recognize content gaps to fill, know what regions of the world are gaining interest, and understand how to better take care of the needs of the OpenSearch community.

Session author bios

Nate Boot is a Developer Advocate for the OpenSearch project. Amateur father, dad-joke SME, and hardened veteran of the dial up BBS era.

David Tippett is a Senior Developer Advocate at AWS, focusing on open source OpenSearch.

Kris Freedain is the OpenSearch project Community Manager; his hobbies include gardening, garage gym powerlifting, and meditation.

Level of Difficulty Intermediate
Social Media https://twitter.com/nateboot, https://twitter.com/dtaivpp, https://twitter.com/KrisFreedain

Presentation materials

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