September 9, 2023
Microsoft Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

기조연설(Keynote) - Welcome to UbuCon Korea, welcome to open source!

Sep 9, 2023, 10:30 AM
Microsoft Korea

Microsoft Korea

50, Jong-ro 1-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
강연(Talk / 20-30분)


Michael Jaeger
YangSoo Yoon


For many, open source means “source available” but it is much more than that: it’s about best practices for distributed development. We observe many habits from our daily lives in open source practises as well: Open source is about bringing communities together, promoting active discussions and unifying efforts toward a common goal. Open source sets the standards for modern software engineering. This keynote highlights why open source is the way to go for developers worldwide and - of course - in Korea!

Presentation materials