Oct 25 – 27, 2024
The Hague, Netherlands
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Flutter State of The Union

Oct 27, 2024, 3:00 PM
Princess Ariane - Workshop Room (World Forum The Hague)

Princess Ariane - Workshop Room

World Forum The Hague

Show room on map
Workshop (60 Minutes) Application Ecosystem


Alan Griffiths
Harlen Batagelo (he/him)
Matthew Kosarek
Michał Sawicz (He/Him)
Robert Ancell


We'd like to give the community an update on the state of Flutter across platforms.
Canonical has invested in Flutter and we're contributing to its Desktop story. We'll show the current status, talk through the developer facing API and lay out upcoming work.
A call for participation as well, we'd love to see anyone else contribute to the design or implementation.

Session author's bio

The Mir team at Canonical has been working on the display server library for a number of years. That expertise gives them the exact right background to grow a cross-platform desktop application development environment.

Level of Difficulty Beginner

Presentation materials