Oct 25 – 27, 2024
The Hague, Netherlands
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

The state of Ubuntu Desktop on ARM64

Not scheduled
The Hague, Netherlands

The Hague, Netherlands

Churchillplein 10, 2517 JW Den Haag, Netherlands
Talk (25 Minutes) Linux Desktop


Tobias Heider
Ubuntu Asahi / Canonical / Security


For the last decades the desktop computer and laptop markets have been dominated by Intel x86 and later amd64 CPUs. After Apple's successful switch to arm64 in 2020, large PC manufacturers such as Dell and Lenovo have now followed and released laptops based on the new Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite arm64 CPUs.

This talk will discuss the current state of the Ubuntu Desktop ecosystem on arm64 laptops including community driven initiatives like Ubuntu Asahi and the Ubuntu Concept project. Finally I want to highlight the challenges and opportunities arising from overcoming the x86 legacy.

Session author's bio

Tobias is the lead developer of the Ubuntu Asahi project and works
as an Ubuntu Engineer for Canonical. As an Open
Source developer he is contributing to multiple projects
including OpenBSD, Debian and Ubuntu.

Level of Difficulty Intermediate
Social Media tobhe.de, bsd.network/@tobhe

Presentation materials

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