Oct 25 – 27, 2024
The Hague, Netherlands
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Let’s talk Open Design

Oct 26, 2024, 5:45 PM
KWA - Plenary room (World Forum The Hague)

KWA - Plenary room

World Forum The Hague

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Lightning Talk (5 min) Content & Design Lightning talks


Ana Sereijo


The Canonical Open Design Working Group works to make design as transparent and inclusive as code, making it an essential aspect of open source projects. We'll delve into our mission, objectives, and goals, explaining how we align our efforts with Canonical's core values of open-source and community engagement. Join us as we share our journey, discuss the challenges we've faced, and highlight the initial steps we've taken to empower designers to contribute to open-source projects. Learn how we are raising awareness among project maintainers about the potential of design contributions to their projects, and discover how you can participate in shaping the future of open design.

Session author's bio

Ana Sereijo, UX Designer, and Lidia Luna Puerta, User Researcher, both from Canonical, are active members of the Open Design Working Group. They bring their combined expertise and passion for user centric design and open source products to foster open and collaborative design processes within the open-source community.

Level of Difficulty Beginner

Presentation materials

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