Oct 25 – 27, 2024
The Hague, Netherlands
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

NetXMS — flexible and scalable open-source monitoring

Not scheduled
The Hague, Netherlands

The Hague, Netherlands

Churchillplein 10, 2517 JW Den Haag, Netherlands
Booth Infrastructure


Filips Sudanovs
Jekaterina Firjane
Tatjana Dubrovica
Fear is not enough reason to not do anything..
Victor Kirhenshtein


NetXMS is being developed since 2003 and is known for its scalability and powerful flexibility. That is why it can be used in so many cases — from enterprise networks and network equipment, to OT and IoT settings.

The product is highly multi-platform, it works with many OS, including Ubuntu of course. We would love to welcome the audience to talk about the product and what it can do.

Session author's bio

Full-stack software engineer with 13+ years of experience. A true open-source enthusiast, for the last decade developing open-source monitoring platform NetXMS.

Level of Difficulty Intermediate
Social Media https://www.linkedin.com/company/raden-solutions/?viewAsMember=true

Presentation materials