25–27 Oct 2024
The Hague, Netherlands
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

How I built Check-in Kiosk for UbuCon Korea

Not scheduled
The Hague, Netherlands

The Hague, Netherlands

Churchillplein 10, 2517 JW Den Haag, Netherlands
Lightning Talk (5 min) Devices


Youngbin Han (He/Him)
Ubuntu Korea Community


In this talk, I would like to discuss about why i decided to build and setup our own event participant Check-in Kiosk for UbuCon Korea. I will be also discuss how i implemented features of this kiosk software with Ubuntu Frame, Ubuntu Core, Flutter(with yaru.dart) and more. I did this project for my own hobby, So I won't be able to share many best practices, But would also like to share what i've learned while working with the project and deploying on real-world. As we deployed this on 2023 and also 2024 with improved version, I'll be also discussing how i tried to improve this implementation.

If you're interested to see the kiosk in-action, you may have a look at this video. https://youtu.be/Nd4mDMSv4po

Session author's bio

LoCo Council Memeber, Korean LoCo Organizer, Member of UbuCon Asia Committee

Level of Difficulty Beginner

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.