Oct 25 – 27, 2024
The Hague, Netherlands
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

How to build and test your snaps automatically using GitHub actions

Oct 27, 2024, 2:00 PM
Princess Ariane - Workshop Room (World Forum The Hague)

Princess Ariane - Workshop Room

World Forum The Hague

Show room on map
Workshop (60 Minutes) Application Ecosystem


Soumyadeep Ghosh (He/Him)
Ubuntu/Snapcrafters/Ubuntu Flutter Community
Dr Merlijn Sebrechts (He/Him)
Ubuntu Community Council, Snapcrafters
Till Kamppeter


In this workshop, we will showcase, how one can use github actions to automate the building and testing of snaps. We'll show users how they can use the already created CIs directly. Or, how they can modify and change those according to their needs. We'll show case how to run vms inside the github runners using ghvmctl and run GUI apps.

Session author's bio

Soumyadeep Ghosh is a member of the Snapcrafters team. He created and maintains a number of content snaps and helped create the CI used by snapcrafters. Outside Snapcrafters, he is also a Ubuntu Member and helps out with various other organizations such as the Ubuntu Flutter Community, NickVisionApps, Pacstall, and more. For more information, check out https://soumyadghosh.github.io/website/about/

Social Media Mastodon: @soumyadghosh@mastodon.social Twitter: https://x.com/s0umyad
Level of Difficulty Intermediate

Presentation materials