Oct 25 – 27, 2024
The Hague, Netherlands
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Back to the Future of Open Source 3D Printing Hardware

Oct 27, 2024, 6:20 PM
KWA - Plenary room (World Forum The Hague)

KWA - Plenary room

World Forum The Hague

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Lightning Talk (5 min) Devices Lightning talks


Yatin Khurana (He/Him)
Boltz R&D


Introduction to "SmartPrintCoreH7x",

featured as the trailblazer in open source 3D printing hardware by 3Dprint.com, This Open Source high-performance 3D printer mainboard features reliable TI bucks and new locking Molex connectors standards, designed for both hobbyists and industrial machines. I will explain why this board is essential for the open-source 3D printing community as more companies move towards closed-source solutions. Open hardware is crucial for keeping our hobby accessible and innovative.

Additionally, I will discuss the vision of Boltz R&D and my upcoming projects like SPC Extravaganza (expansion modules) and SP3C companion boards, along with other advanced boards featuring new connection and interface standards that'll definitely set new standards for the future of all 3D printing hardware. The best part is, all these projects will remain open source, forever.

Session author's bio

Hi, I am Yatin Khurana, I am currently working as a full-time R&D Lead in one of the India's leading drone manufacturing company, I spend all my travelling time developing open source hardware and software solutions for 3D printers, unmanned autonomous vehicles and anything that sounds too complex or challenging.

Social Media @hkryatin@mastodon.social
Level of Difficulty Beginner

Presentation materials