Oct 25 – 27, 2024
The Hague, Netherlands
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

The Penpot tech pivot

Oct 26, 2024, 2:55 PM
KWA - Plenary room (World Forum The Hague)

KWA - Plenary room

World Forum The Hague

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Talk (25 Minutes) Content & Design


Pablo Ruiz-Múzquiz (he/him)


The big tech pivot for Penpot in pursuit for a high performant interactive UI design tool, the details of such announcement will be a Ubuntu Summit "première".

Session author's bio

Pablo is a science geek, an archer, a cook, a gamer, a history nerd and a successful open source entrepreneur (Penpot). He loves open source, design & code collaboration and lean practices. He makes sure to always operate under a no-fear mindset.

Level of Difficulty Beginner
Social Media https://twitter.com/diacritica and https://fosstodon.org/@diacritica

Presentation materials