Aug 24 – 26, 2024
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Developer tooling for Cloud Native applications

Aug 24, 2024, 12:10 PM
1h 25m
Room 3: Workshops

Room 3: Workshops

Workshop Development/Coding


Raghavendra Sirigeri


Brief Intro to Containers - An overview of container technology, its significance, and benefits.

Ubuntu Container Images and Their Flavors: Detailed exploration of various Ubuntu container images including slim, minimal, and dind, highlighting their use cases and differences.

Overview of Overlay Filesystems - Explanation of how overlay filesystems work and their role in container environments.

Inspecting Container Images Layer by Layer and Dockerfiles - A deep dive into container image layers, best practices for writing Dockerfiles, and common pitfalls to avoid.

Using Open Source Tools and Techniques to Reduce Container Image Sizes - Demonstrating the use of tools like dive and docker-squash, as well as techniques such as multi-stage builds, to significantly reduce container image sizes by over 80%, which is critical in production scenarios.

Advanced Developer Tooling for Containers - A brief introduction to more advanced tools and practices for optimizing and securing containerized applications.

Session author's bio

Raghavendra has 8+ years of experience building cloud native apps and has pioneered the use of cloud-native tech across organisations. He led cloud native initiatives at a Fortune 50 company in NYC. Raghavendra was a speaker at Web Summit 2022 and has delivered talks on developer tooling for the container ecosystem across India. Currently, he focuses on building Questodev, a platform enabling dev-tools companies to launch bite-sized developer tutorials with built-in next-gen coding environments.

Special accommodations

It would be great if the attendees can get their laptops to the session.

Any other info we should know?

I recently gave a talk around this topic at the Docker Developer Day 2.0 event held at Bangalore, India. It was well received by all. A snippet below -
1. Snippet of my talk at Docker Dev Tools Day 2.0, Bangalore, India
Some Key Takeaways -
Technical Knowledge - Attendees will gain a solid understanding of container technology, specifically focusing on optimizing and inspecting container images.
Practical Skills - The talk will equip developers with practical tools and techniques to create smaller, more efficient container images, directly impacting their workflow and productivity.
Real-World Applications - Emphasis on how these optimizations and tools are crucial in real-world production environments, ensuring that the content is both relevant and applicable.

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Level of Difficulty Beginner
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In Person Attendance In-person

Presentation materials