Aug 24 – 26, 2024
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Building Ubuntu remixes with Iona

Aug 25, 2024, 3:00 PM
1h 25m
Room 2: Breakout

Room 2: Breakout

Workshop OS Distributions and Packaging


Rudra Saraswat
Ubuntu Member and Project Lead of Ubuntu Unity


In this session, I'll demonstrate how you can build your own derivative of Ubuntu with simple a YAML recipe file through Iona, a handy-dandy image (ISO) builder I wrote for Debian-based distributions. I also plan to build several new Ubuntu remixes with niche window managers live.

Unlike other existing implementations, Iona does not require any pre-existing ISOs or other images, and instead bootstraps root filesystems and images from scratch.

Session author's bio

I'm the developer of Ubuntu Unity, a flavor of Ubuntu, and blendOS, a declarative and immutable Arch Linux derivative.

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