Nov 3 – 5, 2023
Riga, Latvia
Europe/Riga timezone

Plan your Summit

Register to get started 🎟️

The first step on the way to personalize your conference is to register, either in-person if you are coming to Riga, or remotely. This will enable a few features and a wealth of information you'd otherwise miss out on. Are you ready? Let's get started.

Reach for the stars to build your Ubuntu Summit experience 🌟 

See our timetables starring feature in action. Notice a talk or workshop that you want to attend? Simply click on the star icon in the upper right-hand corner. You will see a microphone instead of a star in the upper right hand corner if you are listed as a speaker for that specific talk/workshop session. Now, where do your starred sessions go? Just pop over to the My Conference page.

The My Conference page is your personal Ubuntu Summit planner; it will list both your starred sessions and the talks and/or workshops where you'll be the star speaker 🌟

Accessing the menu and its features 📃

You'll see an icon on the top left of the timetable; it's small but mighty! Tapping on it reveals a menu full of customisation options. Want to narrow down sessions by track? The track filter is your friend, and it even throws in a color legend for clarity. Prefer seeing only the sessions that you have marked? There's a filter for that. If you're on the move, you can change the timetable orientation to the horizontal view; it makes swiping through sessions on your mobile device a breeze. However, if you're settled in with your desktop or laptop, our default vertical view is tailored specifically for you 🫵 

Subscribing to the ICS calendars 🗓️

There are two ICS calendar subscription options. Inside the menu, there's a link that lets you subscribe to a calendar filled with only your starred sessions. It's your personalised event agenda ready to be added to your favourite calendar application, and it will stay up-to-date as you add or remove starred sessions from your summit timetable.

If you're someone who likes to have it all, the top bar of the page offers another link; this one brings the entire Ubuntu Summit timetable - every session - to your calendar 🤩