Nov 3 – 5, 2023
Riga, Latvia
Europe/Riga timezone

From Asahi Linux to Ubuntu: Running Linux on Apple Silicon

Nov 5, 2023, 2:30 PM
Omega 2 – Plenary (Radisson Blu Latvija)

Omega 2 – Plenary

Radisson Blu Latvija

Talk (50 Minutes) Linux Desktop


Hector Martin
Asahi Linux
Tobias Heider


The Asahi Linux project has been the driving force behind porting
Linux to Apple Silicon hardware, such as the latest generation of
M2 MacBooks. They collaborate with the Linux kernel community and
other upstream projects to make their work available to the wider
open source ecosystem, and also work together with distributions to
help them integrate support for these machines.

Ubuntu Asahi is a community project that aims to bring this work
into Ubuntu to provide an easy-to-install and polished Ubuntu
experience on Apple Silicon Macs.

Hector (marcan) will talk about the Asahi Linux project, the state
of Linux on Apple Silicon, challenges they faced and their plans
for the future.

Tobias will introduce the Ubuntu Asahi project and their ongoing work
to make Ubuntu on Apple Silicon a viable option for everyday use.

Session author's bio

Hector is the founder and project lead for Asahi Linux, working on
both core reverse engineering and development, and community
coordination and outreach. A Linux user for over 20 years, he has
worked to port Linux and enable FOSS ecosystems for many other
undocumented or proprietary devices in the past, including various
Nintendo and Sony game consoles as well as the Microsoft Kinect.
Thanks to community funding, he is now working on the Asahi Linux
project full time.

Tobias is the lead developer of the Ubuntu Asahi project and works
as a Security and Cryptography Engineer for Canonical. As an Open
Source enthusiast he is a regular contributor to multiple projects
including OpenBSD, Debian and Ubuntu.

Level of Difficulty Intermediate
Social Media

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