Nov 3 – 5, 2023
Riga, Latvia
Europe/Riga timezone

Gio: Cross Platform GUIs in Go

Nov 4, 2023, 11:30 AM
Sigma – Talks (Radisson Blu Latvija)

Sigma – Talks

Radisson Blu Latvija

Talk (25 Minutes) Application Ecosystem


Chris Waldon


An approachable introduction to Gio, a newer GUI toolkit built in the Go programming language. Gio enables application authors to build portable GUI applications that run on Linux, Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, tvOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and in the browser via WASM. I'll discuss how Gio differs from existing cross-platform toolkits like GTK, Qt, and Flutter, and describe the exciting future that Gio promises for the Linux Desktop in particular.

Attendees will learn:

  • The story of Gio: a frustrated Danish man daring to try to make GUI better.
  • Gio's paradigm as a vector rendering engine, and how that looks in practice (no code, just pretty pictures)
  • How the modern UI users expect can be built from simple vector primitives.
  • The story behind Gio's surprisingly capable text stack which handles RTL, bidirectional text, and more.
  • Gio's approach to accessibility and how it encourages high-quality accessibility metadata for the sake of high-quality UI testing.
  • How they can get involved helping build the future of UI with Gio.

Session author's bio

Chris is one of Gio's two maintainers, a Linux tinkering addict, and a freelance open source software engineer. He is currently learning the programming language "Dad" with the help of his one-year-old daughter and wife.

Level of Difficulty Intermediate
Social Media I don't have either

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